Karl-Anthony Towns made this video that would be an inspiration to anyone, at any age, race, origin, ethnicity, whatever. And it wouldn't matter if you like basketball or not.
Although, it would be exceptionally great for any young person to watch because he talks not only about the determination that it takes to get what you want in life. He also talks about things like respect and having manners. Things that you don't hear a lot about these days.
It's also a wonderful video for parents to watch. As a parent, he shows you what an impact you can have on your children. Not because you should go out and build a big basketball court in your backyard. But he talks about the little things that his parents did that had such an impact in HIS life that made him who he is today.
Bravo Karl, well done! You will never know what an impact you will have on so many people through the course of your life. Especially children. I am so happy to see that you take it so seriously. And to see how thankful you are for what your parents did for you is nothing short of refreshing.
God Bless you and your family. Your parents did a fine job raising you. I am sure they must be so very proud of you :-)